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Creating Student Accounts (Legacy)

Inviting students via email or registration link. This method is a legacy feature. Teachers should use the single link feature.

Misha Tenenbaum avatar
Written by Misha Tenenbaum
Updated over 2 years ago

You are reviewing the legacy invitation process. Please review the most current single link student invite article before continuing:


Teachers should invite students into their organization.

Students SHOULD NOT create accounts themselves.

Teachers can invite students from the Student Page and the Classroom Page. If you use a Learning Management System within your school, review our help article: Connecting to Learning Management Software (LMS).

Locating the Legacy Invitation Features

At the bottom of the invite student popup, select use other options to invite students:

Note: Invitation from the Student page does add the student into a classroom. Learn more about the classrooms page to add students.

From the student page, you may invite students one at a time or in a group all at once with a CSV file (more on that below).

Invite by E-Mail or Registration link.

  • E-Mail Invite - A registration link is e-mailed automatically to the student.

  • Registration Link Invite - The teacher will need to manually copy the link and share it with the student directly. Learn more here.

In both methods, students will be prompted to create a password when they click the link.

Invite by Registration link

Invitation by registration link allows you to bypass the e-mail address requirement, and EditMentor will create a username for the student.

You will need to manually send the username and registration link to the student for them to enter their account.

From the Students Page:

  • Find the student user name

  • Find the registration status of the student

  • The student is not yet assigned to a classroom

Students Page - Highlights over the Username and Registration Link Sections.

Invite Multiple Students Using a CSV Template

We strongly encourage you to use the current single link option if you have multiple students.

Invite multiple students by uploading a CSV file, whether by e-mail invite or registration link.

Find the CSV Template to the right of the Upload CSV file button.

CSV Templates for inviting students in EditMentor

The CSV template includes an example to show you the formatting required. It is crucial to maintain the exact format and not have any empty rows between each student listed.

Invite Students from a Classroom

When you invite a student from a classroom, students will be automatically enrolled in the classroom, saving you a couple of steps.

From the Classroom Page:

  • Click on the desired classroom.

  • Press assign a student.

  • Click the invite new students button in the top right corner of the popup box.

Students Verification E-mail

Once invited, students will receive an e-mail with an account registration link. Students must activate their account and set a password to log in successfully.

Verification E-mail

Student Activation Status

You will know when the students have successfully activated their account because their status in the student list will change from pending [yellow clock icon] to active [green checkmark]

Pending to active

Resending Invitations and Passwords

If the student does not receive the e-mail from EditMentor, the invitation can be resent by pressing the envelope icon in the invite column. Registration links expire after seven days. When you resend an e-mail, previous registration links are void.

The teacher may copy the registration link manually and send it to the student.

Registration links

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