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Creating Student Accounts

How to create, invite, and connect accounts for students.

Misha Tenenbaum avatar
Written by Misha Tenenbaum
Updated over a week ago

Note: The teacher invites students into their organization. Students SHOULD NOT create accounts themselves. They will accept invites from the teacher.

Teachers can invite students from the Student page and the Classrooms page. If you use a Learning Management System within your school, review our help article: Connecting to Learning Management Software (LMS).

Invite from Classroom Page

From the Classrooms page, copy the link located on the front of the classroom and share it with the student. Students will be placed directly into that classroom.

Classroom invitation link, EditMentor

Invite from Student Page

Press the invite students button in the upper right corner of the student page. Copy and share the invitation link from the desired classroom.

Invite students button
Copy and Share link

Student Account Registration

When the student clicks on the link you sent them, they will need to enter their name and create a username and password.

You can share this one link with your entire class so each student can make their own account. Learn more about how a student activates their account here.

Please note: At this time, EditMentor does not have the functionality for students to log in with a Google account. They can use a Google e-mail address, but they cannot log in directly through Google.

Student Activation Link

Student Activation Status

You will know when students have successfully activated their account when their status in the student list changes from pending [yellow clock icon] to active [green checkmark].

Student Activation Status

Legacy Invitation

The legacy methods of inviting students with individual registration links or via email are still available, learn more.

Legacy Method

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