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Trimming Tools

Overview of the three trimming tools available in EditMentor - Basic Trim, Ripple Trim, and Rolling Trim.

Misha Tenenbaum avatar
Written by Misha Tenenbaum
Updated over a week ago

Basic Trim

Keyboard Shortcut: No keyboard shortcut

The Basic Trim tool adds or removes frames to a clip and leaves a gap behind. It can be found in the tool's pallet. The icon looks like a bracket with a dotted line.

  • Basic trim is available if the mouse is near an edit point.

Basic Trim Tool

Ripple Trim

Keyboard Shortcut: No keyboard shortcut

The Ripple Trim tool extends or removes a portion of a clip. When removing part of a clip, the gap it leaves from the edit is closed on the timeline. The icon looks like a bracket with a solid line.

  • Make sure you select the clip you want to delete by either clicking on it or drawing a box around it with the mouse.

Ripple Trim Tool

Rolling Trim

Keyboard Shortcut: No keyboard shortcut

The Rolling Trim tool removes an equal number of frames from one clip while being added to the other clip. The icon has two square brackets and two triangles pointing left and right.

Rolling Trim Tool

Dual Monitor View

When using the Rolling Trim tool, the Display Monitor will show the Dual Monitor View, which shows two monitors within the display. The left monitor shows the A-side of the edit, while the right monitor shows the B-side of the edit. The display will adjust as you roll the edit point to the left or right.

Dual Monitor

Need help answering a Trim Challenge? Review our Answering Trim Challenges help article here.

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