No Modifier
Space bar............. Play
Delete.................... Delete
i .............................. In-point
o.............................. Out-point
v............................... Insert edit
b.............................. Overwrite edit
a.............................. Arrow tool
s.............................. Snapping toggle on/off
- .............................. Zoom out timeline
= ............................. Zoom in timeline
β.............................. Previous clip
β.............................. Next clip
β............................. Step one frame left
β............................. Step one frame right
home ..................... Move playhead to timeline start
end ......................... Move playhead to timeline end
Shift + i .................. Go to in-point
Shift + o ................. Go to out-point
Shift + z .................. Fit to timeline
Shift + Delete ....... Ripple Delete
Command (Mac) / Control (PC)
Command + z ................... Undo
Command + shift + z ....... Redo