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Answering Interactive Marker Challenge

How to answer questions for an Interactive Marker Challenge.

Misha Tenenbaum avatar
Written by Misha Tenenbaum
Updated over a week ago

In an Interactive Marker Challenge, users will answer multiple-choice questions found inside the glowing orange triangle markers located on the timeline. Learn more about Interactive Markers here.

Start the Challenge

From the information panel, press Start Challenge.

EditMentor Start Challenge button

When entering a challenge, look for the glowing triangle markers in the timeline. Click on the triangle to answer the multiple-choice question.

Note: A blue checkmark will appear once you've answered the question.

 Blue Checkmark

Submit Answers

Press Submit Answers when you've answered every Interactive Marker question on the timeline. You cannot submit your answers until all of the interactive marker challenges are answered.

Submit Answers

Reviewing Interactive Marker Challenge Answers

After submitting an answer, a Score Window will appear. We recommend reviewing all the answers to a challenge after completing it. Identifying gaps in your knowledge is a major key to getting better. From the Score Window you may press View All Possible Answers.

View All Possible Answers

To further review answers, select any of the interactive markers on the timeline to reveal more about each answer option.

After viewing all possible answers, press the My Score button on the timeline panel to return to the Score Window to see your challenge score. The Try Again button is also available in the Score Window, which allows the user to redo the challenge. Otherwise, select Next Challenge to continue on with the lesson.

My Score
Try Again

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