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An overview on how the Timeline panel works in EditMentor.

Misha Tenenbaum avatar
Written by Misha Tenenbaum
Updated over a week ago

The Timeline panel is where the editing takes place.

  • The timeline combines video, audio, and graphics to construct your project.

  • A series of video clips and audio on the timeline is called a sequence.


Timeline Tracks

The horizontal rows on the timeline are called Tracks.

Video and Audio Track 1 and 2

Video Tracks are marked with a "V."

  • Video clips are brown when placed on the video track.

  • V1 and V2 Tracks

    • When clips are added to a timeline, they are automatically placed on the V1 track. You can move clips up vertically to the V2 track if needed.

    • The video clips on the highest track number (V2) will have priority over clips below them. This means if you have one clip placed on the V2 track and another directly below is on the V1 track, you will only see the video clip on the V2 track on the Display Monitor.

The Alarm Clock clip is on V2. The Reading Newspaper clip is on V1. We can only see the Alarm Clock clip on the Display Monitor, as it is above the Reading Newspaper clip.

In the example above, The Alarm Clock video clip is on track V2. The Reading Newspaper video clip is on track V1. The Alarm Clock clip is the only video clip visible on the Display Monitor. When the clips are moved onto different tracks, the Display Monitor changes what clip is shown, with V2 always taking priority, unless it is empty of a video clip.

Audio Tracks are marked with an "A."

  • Audio clips are blue when placed on the audio track.

  • The audio track displays Audio Waveforms, the wave-like lines, for all clips that include sound. The waveform shows the changes in the volume of a clip, helping you recognize if audio is present on a clip and how high or low the audio levels are on the clip.

  • A1 and A2 Tracks

    • When audio clips are added to a timeline, they are automatically placed on the A track. You can move clips down vertically to the A2 track if needed.

    • All audio clips will play sound, regardless of what track number they are on.



The Playhead is the orange bar that moves to the right as you play the sequence on the timeline.

Use the left and right arrow keys ⬅️ ➡️ on your keyboard to move the playhead one frame, either backward or forward.

Video and Audio clips are usually linked, meaning if you delete one, you delete both. Unlinking clips is possible but may cause the picture and audio to be moved out of sync.

Linking vs Unlinking


Timecode identifies the precise time of a clip or a moment located in a sequence.

A timecode readout shows the Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and Frames in number format, broken up by a colon 00:00:00:00.

In the upper left corner of the timeline panel is the Timecode for the sequence. This timecode is the elapsed time based on the playhead's position, allowing editors to see precisely where an edit point or moment is located in the sequence.

Challenge Type Reminder

A note is located at the top of the Timeline Panel to remind you of the type of challenge question in progress. However, it is important to read the challenge text in the lesson panel to see the exact question or tool being requested to use.

Challenge Type

Zoom Adjustment Bar

Keyboard Shortcut: [+] Zoom In [-] Zoom Out

It allows you to zoom in and out of a sequence, based on the location of the playhead, to examine an edit point in more detail.

Zoom In and Zoom Out


When Snapping is On, it allows the edge of a clip to act as a magnet and snaps to another clip or the playhead when turned on. The playhead also snaps when it is near the edge of a clip.

With Snapping turned Off, the editor can move the clips more freely.

The icon looks like an orange magnet 🧲.

Snap On and Snap Off.

Undo vs. Redo

Keyboard Shortcut: [Ctrl + z] Undo [Ctrl + Shift + z] Redo

  • If you change your mind about a clip's placement or delete a clip by mistake, the undo icon takes you back a few steps in time, retrieving the clips.

  • The redo icon allows you to go forward in time, redoing your last step.


Undo All

The Undo All icon, which looks like a clock with a circle arrow going backward, resets all changes previously made on the timeline.

Show Hint and Reveal Answer

  • Show Hint Button - This button will show a clue to answering the challenge question. If clicked, the user's score for the challenge will not be affected.

  • Reveal Answer Button - A user may reveal correct, incorrect, partially correct, or all answers. If the Reveal Answer option is selected, the user will NOT score points for the challenge.

Reveal Answers

After selecting the Reveal Answer button, a warning will remind you that you'll lose points for that challenge if you click "Reveal."

Reveal Answers

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