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Answering Multiple Choice Challenges

How to answer questions for a Multiple Choice Challenge.

Misha Tenenbaum avatar
Written by Misha Tenenbaum
Updated over a week ago

In a multiple choice challenge, you will answer a question in the lesson panel or challenge information box.

Start the Challenge

From the lesson panel, after reading the challenge text, press Start Challenge.

Answer options will not appear until after you press Start Challenge.

Start Challenge

Submitting Answers

Multiple choice answers can be submitted either in the Challenge Information Box, located next to the display monitor (scroll to the bottom to find the answers) or by clicking back into the Learning Panel on the right side of the screen

Challenge Information Box

Multiple choice questions can have more than one correct answer (typically the question gives a hint with "Select all the answers that apply.")

Press "Submit Answers" when you're done answering the questions.

Submit Answers

Reviewing Multiple Choice Challenge Answers

After submitting an answer, a Score Window will appear. We recommend reviewing all the answers to a challenge after completing it. From the Score Window you may press View All Possible Answers.

View all possible answers.

After selecting View All Possible Answers, the right lesson panel will slide out to reveal more information about each answer option.

View all possible answers.

After viewing all possible answers, press the My Score button on the timeline panel to return to the Score Window to see your challenge score. The Try Again button is also available in the Score Window, which allows the user to redo the challenge. Otherwise, select Next Challenge to continue on with the lesson.

my Score

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