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Viewing Student Grades

How to view student grades in EditMentor.

Cara Friez avatar
Written by Cara Friez
Updated over a year ago

There are two places where student scores are recorded within EditMentor, the Dashboard and inside of each Lesson.

​Note: If you are using a learning management system (LMS), grades will be ported to your grade book.

Dashboard Grades

The Dashboard is located in the left menu.

The top section of the dashboard shows you:

  • The number of students online in a recent period of time

  • The number of lessons completed that day

  • Some quick links to useful resources

  • Your classroom score

  • Student login activity.

The classroom score - is the average score for the lessons recorded by students within a particular classroom. You may pick any classroom from the filter in the upper right corner.

The activity log can display the number of logins, lessons or challenges completed by your students.

The student average score shows the each particular student's score averaged across all the lessons they've started and completed. On the bottom of the window, you may select a time period such as all-time, week, month, semester, year or create a custom range. This view can be filtered by classroom.

The Incomplete Lessons meter displays the number of students have started but not yet completed a particular lesson. This view can be filtered by classroom.

Student Performance Dashboard

  • If a Score is shown next to the student's name, this indicates that the student has completed the lesson.

  • The Clock with an Arrow means the student has started the lesson, but they are still in progress.

  • A Dash (-) indicates a student has not started the lesson yet.

Dashboard Filters

To search for an individual student, use the "Search for Students" bar at the top of the student name list.

To find grades for a specific classroom, course, or period of time, use the "Filter" button on the top right side of the Student Performance Report.

Dashboard Review Scores

To see a more detailed grade breakdown of each challenge within a lesson, you can hover over the name of the lesson on the top bar of the Dashboard view, then click "Review Scores.

This will quickly take you to the specific Lesson Scores Page.

Lesson Grades

Another way to get to the score breakdown within a lesson is to go to the Curriculum page, located on the left menu.

Next click on the Course then the Lesson you want to see the grades for and then click the "Review Scores" button at the bottom of the information panel that appears.

Review Scores Button

Lesson Scores Page

In the lesson scores page, a list of students' names will appear who have already started the lesson. If a student has not started a lesson, their name will not appear.

  • At the top right corner, the Download a CSV file button will allow you to download the students' scores for that lesson.

  • The "X" action button will remove a student from a list.

  • Twirl down the Disclosure Triangle to view individual challenge results.

Lesson Scores Page

Individual Challenge Results

The individual challenge results will show how a student did for each challenge within a lesson. This view allows a teacher the ability to see where students excelled and where they may need more practice.

If a student has started the lesson, but has not completed it, you'll be able to see their progress. A Score indicates they've completed the challenge. A Dash indicates that they haven't started that specific challenge yet.

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